Saturday, January 1, 2011


Like most people in the free world, my New Year's resolution is to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

So, today, January 1, 2011, I began Weight Watchers.  Yesterday I attended a meeting so that I could get all the information for their new program.  I was so proud of myself.....I am at an all time high for my weight!  The leader was very good, (always a plus,) and very motivational.  I decided since I was close to the mall, I would go to Lane Bryant and find a new outfit to wear to school next week, since I will be thin and svelte by Monday.  I need an undergarment that will help smooth out my tires (you know the Dunlop that dun lopped over my belt), and was looking at Spanx.  What I found out about Spanx is that even though they make them for larger women, they don't make them for the denser woman.  My height was on there, and my weight was on there, but I was still in the red zone when you put them together, which means I am outside the size ranges.  We ended up pretending I am 5 foot tall, so that I could be in the orange zone and fit in a size.  I am preparing mentally for the experience of trying to wrestle myself into the Spanx next week.  Everyone assures me that Spanx are very comfortable and you hardly notice you are wearing it.  I was psyched and ready to go...... so I picked up $20 worth of Taco Bell for lunch and went home and Ronnie and I had a last meal before I change my habits......

So today, I did it.  I stuck with the program all day long!  I did eat a bunch of fruit and vegetables and made some zero point soup.  The soup was ok, definitely not great.

The best part for me was that I got out of my chair and away from my computer and went for a bike ride.  I decided to just go for it so I jumped in the shower, put on my shorts and tennis shoes and gathered together the things I need when I ride: sunglasses, cigarettes, phone, and a roll of toilet paper. (Just in case I have an emergency and need to stop.)  Then I realized I needed to air up my tires, and the cord for the air compressor was all jacked up, so I had to get it right.  THEN I could get air in my tires.   I looked for my ipod, couldn't find it, and I'm thinking this is not getting off to a great start.  But, I was wrong.  I rode for 20 minutes.  I'm sure I was a sight to see, an old lady riding a bicycle while smoking a cigarette.  However, the great part of being 50 is that I am so bent on making myself happy, that I don't care if it pleases others or not!  It was strange getting back on my bike after several years, and I am just a tad bit older now.....

I actually felt better after I rode!  I knew I would, but it has been so long that I had forgotten how good it feels to ride, even if my sit bones hurt.  I had more energy for the day and for the first time this entire Christmas break, I didn't take a nap!  I played on my Wii for over an hour this afternoon.  Then I went on my dreaded weekly grocery store chore and came home and cooked my low pointplus dinner!

Feeling pretty good about making it through today.  A little worried about fitting in the exercise once I have to go back to work, but I will work it out.  I have to.  I would like to bend over again without having to look around and see what else needs to be done while I am down there.

Feeling successful.......

Alias Mary Smith


  1. I am so proud of you, exercising and eating good all day! Good Job mama! You can do it :)

    P.S. I don't know what people are saying yes spanx are good b/c they smooth out the "fluff" but it isn't not all that comfortable you should wear them a day or two before a whole day of work. By the end of church I feel like my organs are being sqooshed.

  2. Excellent! I don't do the bike thing myself, prefer walking, at least until I lose some baggage. I'm a WW retread myself, for the last time this time. This is a lifestyle shift that I must do. I refuse to be the first in my family to go, especially when there are circumstances I can control (like what I eat...)

    I'm just taking it a day/hour at a time. Otherwise I get really bogged down with how much I have to lose and then I get derailed. Need to find something else to do with my hands at night while watching TV, instead of bringing food to my mouth...
