Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I have made a connection.....when I workout I don't crave food as much and the things I crave are healthier choices. 

I only realized this today (after being home for a day and a half sick and unable to do anything).  I have thought more about food today than I have in weeks.  I have stayed on plan and not gone over my points, however, it has consumed me more than usual. 

As I try to change my lifestyle, I realize that being sick really stinks, but I still need to figure out what to do when I am unable to workout.   I will work out tomorrow come hell or high water, if for no other reason than to get my head on straight and change my thought processes. 

I have put myself in God's hands, and I pray a whole lot more during the day than I used to, that He will help me avoid the food and cravings that I have.

As an overweight 50 year old woman who eats too much, smokes too much and works too much, I will get this life figured out so that I can be more successful in everything I do. 

Hoping things are being revealed to you as well.  Until next time.

Alias Mary Smith

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Sweet it is!

First, Happy Birthday Dad!  I love you!  

Now, I weighed in on Saturday.....good news!  Another 4.4 down and only, well, way too many pounds to count.

I had worked out consistently every day.  I think that really makes a difference.  Racked up lots of activity points that I didn't use and didn't break into any weekly points.

The week started out good, an hour of aerobic activity on Saturday, then Sunday, then today I started getting sick.  Ronnie had the flu last week, and I think he has passed it on to me.  Hopefully, I won't be sick for long, but there is no way I am working out today. 

Hopefully, I will get better really fast and be able to get moving again tomorrow or Wednesday. 

On a side note, I have been craving KFC something fierce.  I am not sure why.  I don't usually eat there but once or twice a year anyway, so I am not sure why it is consuming my thoughts.  I only want the chicken, I don't like cole slaw, and their corn isn't great, so I just want chicken.  Can't decide if I should just go ahead and get a piece or 2 of chicken or if this is a craving that I need to kick.  I am open to any thoughts you might have. 

Here's to hoping you are a loser too!

Alias Mary Smith

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This past week I only lost .8 of a pound.  Not even a whole pound!  What the heck!  I knew it would slow down, but really?   Not even a pound?

I have stepped up my workout to 5 days instead of 4.  Increased the time from 35 minutes to 40 of yoga, 10-15 minutes of step, and 13 minutes of boxing.  I even began working out using hand weights to build my upper body strength. 

Hopefully, this will pay off.  I am looking for a big loss Saturday.  I have left 1 to 2 points on the table every day just to make sure that I don't go over......

Still committed to the goal.  I will be successful this time. 

Hoping I am still a loser!

Alias Mary Smith