Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This past week I only lost .8 of a pound.  Not even a whole pound!  What the heck!  I knew it would slow down, but really?   Not even a pound?

I have stepped up my workout to 5 days instead of 4.  Increased the time from 35 minutes to 40 of yoga, 10-15 minutes of step, and 13 minutes of boxing.  I even began working out using hand weights to build my upper body strength. 

Hopefully, this will pay off.  I am looking for a big loss Saturday.  I have left 1 to 2 points on the table every day just to make sure that I don't go over......

Still committed to the goal.  I will be successful this time. 

Hoping I am still a loser!

Alias Mary Smith

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