Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I started Weight Watchers on Saturday, January 1, 2011.  I did great day 1 and day 2.  However, I had to go to work day 3.  Teaching a class (really just facilitating) from 8-5:15, and by the time I left to go home, I thought I was going to chew my arm off!  I didn't really have time to fill up on fruits and veggies all day like I did on days 1 and 2, and apparently this makes a difference!  I had only had 7 pointsplus by the time I sat down to my Smart Ones lasagna dinner.  I understand why I was hungry yesterday, but why am I starving today?

Again, I have not been able to eat all those fruits and veggies, but when I am in a classroom, I am not going to be able to constantly fill my face with food, even if it has a 0 pointplus value.  I really do need to get this under control.

Also, I thought I would be past the headache stage by day 4, but my head is pounding!  I did work out for 30 minutes today, and did some yoga poses to stretch my muscles, and my head is still hurting.  Not sure why..........

I will be consistent and stick with the plan, I love the new Weight Watchers plan, I am just so uncomfortable.  I hate feeling hungry AND having a headache. 

Hanging in there.......

Alias Mary Smith

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